
Altissia’s platform to the rescue!

Frédéric Lahaut

31 October 2023

I will always remember the month of March 2020: lockdown! At the time, I was working as a French, English and Dutch teacher for Altissia. In concrete terms, my mission was to host practical language sessions (conversation tables, etc.) all over Wallonia.

I therefore spent a good proportion of my time in the car going to meet learners to give them the opportunity to practise their languages. Then, seemingly overnight, I found myself at home, physically cut off from my learners! What could I do? How could I keep in touch with them and continue sharing my passion?

The solution quickly became clear to me – I had to switch to virtual sessions. To do this, I already had the perfect tool, right at my fingertips. Indeed, Altissia’s platform allowed me to find a wealth of subjects and I could send the links to my learners so that they could prepare discussions, and we could then meet up online. Some even continued the discussions by meeting up virtually a few days later.

As a ‘classic’ teacher, I wasn’t necessarily a fan of virtual sessions, but I have to admit that today, I find they do bring a good number of advantages: accessibility to more people, obvious time savings, ease of sharing documents and links…

It goes without saying that the virtual route isn’t for everyone, and, as soon as I had the chance, I got back in the car to meet up with the die-hard fans of face-to-face meetings, but I do feel fully fulfilled today with this hybrid system that allows me to keep in contact with everyone while working remotely and making the most of Altissia’s platform’s potential.